Monday, January 30, 2012

January's Focus is on a Healthy Lifestyle

Hello again. . .

In January, our Occupational Therapist and Speech Language Pathologist are working in tandem to focus on the topic of a Healthy Lifestyle.  They asked me if I could gather some resources they could use in the Learning Lab that promotes this topic.  I found a lot of different choices. . .check them out and see what you think!  How can you utilize these in your classrooms or schools?

You will see the topics they focused on in bold and then links to the websites.  I also tried to write if the website CANNOT be used with a Smart Board.  Most can-which is awesome :)

General Health

This BookFLIX pairing is great for young children.  You do need a subscription to be able to view it.  However, many local libraries and school districts have them!


This BookFLIX pairing is great for young children.  You do need a subscription to be able to view it.  However, many local libraries and school districts have them!

Can only use on computer, can't be used on the Smart Board.

Falling Food Arcade Game

Can only on use on the computer, not the Smart Board

This is a HARD one!


Dental Health

This BookFLIX pairing is great for young children.  You do need a subscription to be able to view it.  However, many local libraries and school districts have them!

Happy Techning :)

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