Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekly Reader

Hello again. . .we've had some teachers in our building coming into the Learning Lab and using the Weekly Reader digital resources.  I used to get Weekly Reader in my 2nd grade classroom and stopped because I thought it was too juvenile for them.  However, this new application is amazing!  You can view video clips, interactive games and much more.

They have an entire section for each grade level that explains what's available that month.

In this Teaching Center, you can find information suggesting how to teach/utilize each week's lesson.  Put these digital magazines on your Smart Board and you immediately have another engaging educational tool.

OR children can always use these resources in the Learning Lab or on the computers in the classroom during a station/center time.

In honor of February's focus on Black History Month, Weekly Reader has a digital resource to support your classroom. (Please note that I have focused on 2nd grade, but Weekly Reader goes up to 6th and also has science supports.)

Each link to the right of the Weekly Reader, takes you further resources for your teaching needs.  If you click on Digital Edition, you will see a digital copy of the above magazine with a toolbar at the bottom.

Moving from left to right on the toolbar, you can:
1.  View all of the pages in the Weekly Reader.
2.  Have the Weekly Reader read to the class.
3.  Highlight important material in the magazine.
4.  Hide the information if you want to "quiz" your class.
5.  Mask a portion fo the resource. . .which is the opposite of highlighting.
6.  Zoom in.
7.  Zoom out.
8.  Take notes that can then be printed.
9.  Add a link/website.
11.Move the position of the toolbar.
12.Get help.

Then, when you get into the digital resource, you will see small links to further information.  For example, on the front cover, you will find symbols that allow you to:

Moving from left to right, you can:
1.  Pre-reading Questions
2.  Preview Vocabulary
3.  Concepts of Comprehension
4.  See a slideshow of Dr. Martin Luther King

On pages 2,3 and 4, you see more symbols on different part of the pages which enable this resource to be even more interactive.

As always, with a cool resource like this one, there is a small hitch. . .you have to have a subscription to  view many of the resources.  So. . .check out their website and if you already receive Weekly Reader, you won't have to pay an additional fee for the digital resources :)

Visit Weekly Reader below!

Weekly Reader

Happy Teching :)

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